First, I would like to remind everyone they are never too old or frail to make improvements to their health and quality of life programs. I see super fitness results from seniors on a regular basis. The common denominator I seem to notice in them all is they have simply made the comittment to keep fighting to stay active for life!. “Living life to the Fullest” is definitely a motto that has become more meaningful to me each and every day I get older. Please believe the benefits of proper rest, exercise and nutrition are a positive in the lives of us all. I encourage and hope everyone has established their fitness goals, have them posted in a visible place, review them daily, and are proactively taking steps to attain them, no matter what the age.
I wish everyone could witness the 68 and 70 year old competitors in some of the body building competitions I attend. Their physical condition is absolutely amazing. They have the muscle definition and flexibility of someone 30- 40 years younger. To see the seasoned confidence in their eyes, witness their vigor for life, and the smiles upon their faces is worth the price of admission! It clearly reassures how my job of helping improve the health and active quality of life of others is so very important.
Believe me when I say those folks have set their fitness goals high and take steps daily to reach them. I want to encourage and challenge you to do the same by setting your health and fitness goals today, if you haven’t already done so. Some goal options to start, could be as simple as lowering your cholesterol, blood pressure, or increasing flexibility. At this stage just having a list to get you started towards health improvement is more important than the goal. Each goal is simply a stepping stone, so as you attain them, it will be very important to be ready to establish new ones quickly to keep your health improvement program moving in a positive direction.
Hopefully the following information can be used by my readers 50 and above to safely increase physical fitness and active quality of life. After having approval from your health care professional to begin a program, a great place to start is with flexibility. Remember to work at a low to moderate level, rest in between sets, and always move slowly and calmly when performing any exercises. You should never be out of breath when exercising! If you start to get winded this means you are working to hard and should slow down, rest, and or stop! Remember you are not trying to get your heart rate up, you are trying to improve your muscle strength, flexibility, and active range of motion. Only work at a level that allows you to breathe easily, and hold a normal conversation for the duration of your exercise session.
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